For the love of yarn!
I live in the shadows of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado Springs, CO. I first learned to crochet when I was 12, and then as an adult I learned to knit. Over the years, I learned how to spin wool fiber and weave on different types of looms. After spinning yarn for a little while, I started experimenting with dyeing wool fiber to spin, so I could get the exact colors I wanted. I fell in love with dyeing fiber, and each batch of color brought me joy. However, as my family grew I found that I had less and less time for spinning yarn. Knitting and crocheting were much easier hobbies to pick up and put down while also parenting. As a result, I started dyeing wool yarn instead of wool roving.
I’ve been dyeing yarn for over 7 years now, and I still love it! I hope you enjoy using my yarns as much as I enjoy dyeing them! My goal is to provide soft, luxurious, and beautiful yarn at an affordable price. When I started shopping for hand-dyed yarn for myself, I was shocked to find the average price of about $32 per skein after shipping. It seemed steep back then, and still does now. I have lived through seasons of life where I worked with a tight budget for, and for that reason I strive to keep my prices affordable. This is also one reason why I offer various skein sizes, so you can buy just what you need and keep within your budget.
I hope you can find what you need and that your love of yarn continues to grow with each project!